11 research outputs found

    Spektroskopija dokumentinio paveldo autentiškumo tyrimuose: Supraslės vienuolyno raštinės atvejis

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] The aim of the article was to create a research methodology for questioned historical documents where UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy is used to identify color variations of historical documents written with iron gall ink. Such methodology was introduced because most historical documents are written with iron gall ink. Secondly, iron gall ink is causing various damage to historical documents hence new and effective research methods are needed. Thirdly, such new methodologies should be accessible for humanities and social science where no specific chemical knowledge is needed.20 volumes of Supraslis abbey office’s historical documents were selected as a case study to test the created methodology. Each book was numbered and labeled with the known provenance. In each book three pages (in the beginning, in the middle and in the end) were selected and two measurements (in the top of the page and in the end) were taken. Also so called Q page (questioned) was de visu selected as different from other pages which turned out 79% not being thecase. What is more, all measurement’s exact spots were also micro- photographed and macro – photographed to make sure that the measured ink samples that were selected had no stains, were not damaged or otherwise polluted. Measurements were performed with CRAIC PV 308 spectrophotometer calculating 900 measurements average for one value of ∼1mm2 sample area.The case study demonstrated that UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy can be a very fast and nondestructive tool to investigate historical questioned documents, certain pages of a documenet or even to compare several books from the same or different time periods and place origin. However, effective research require ink color comparison with color maps or other mathematical representation models (e.g. MacAdam’s ellipse). Furthermore, for more precise comparison, big databases with books, origin dates, origin place, spectral data, physical condition and other related parameters are needed.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje pristatoma neverifikuotų rašytinių dokumentų autentiškumo tyrimo metodologija, paremta UV-VIS-NIR atspindžio spektroskopija. Remiantis geležies galo rašalo spalvinėmis savybėmis konstruojamas istorinių rašytinių dokumentų klastojimo, nevienalaikiškumo, korekcijų identifikavimo metodologinis modelis. Sukurta metodologija pritaikyta Supraslės vienuolyno raštinės XVI–XVIII amžių rankraštinių knygų atvejo tyrimui. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, jog dvidešimtyje tirtų dokumentų tomų fiksuotos galimai nevienalaikės teksto dalys. Prieš laboratorinį tyrimą de visu metodu išskirti galimai nevienalaikiai knygų puslapiai keturiais atvejais iš penkių nepasitvirtino. Tai reiškia, jog UV-VIS-NIR atspindžio spektroskopija dėl mažų laiko sąnaudų ir matavimų paprastumo gali būti efektyvus ir nedestruktyvus pirminis dokumento rašalo kaitos įvertinimo metodas. Metodologiškai vienodai pildoma tokių matavimų duomenų bazė galėtų tapti papildomu įrankiu sprendžiant abejotinos kilmės dokumentinio paveldo klausimus

    Naujos technologijos kaip galimas katalizatorius demokratizuojant miestų paveldo išsaugojimo praktiką: 3D skenavimo ir dirbtinio intelekto atvejis

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     The conflict between heritage protection and urban infrastructure development rationales creates a context for inclusion, participation and dialogue of different heritage-related communities. However, developed in the pre-computer age of administrative practice, are often incapable, partially or completely, to accommodate the ‘new-era’ community oriented participatory practices. In this article, authors discuss the mutual effects of IT in the process of democratization of urban heritage preservation. The authors create and argue the conceptual model of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) in participatory UHP. The model demonstrates how technologies can become catalysts for democratization in situations when the regulatory and administrative change (on its own) is too inert. The article hypothesizes that novel technological developments which aim at or have the potential for increasing community involvement and democratization of administrative practice, exert their effects directly through technology-based participatory practices.Prieštaravimas tarp paveldosaugos ir miestų infrastruktūros plėtros sukuria ne tik įtampas, bet ir sąlygas įvairių su paveldu susijusių bendruomenių įtraukčiai, dalyvavimui ir dialogui. Tačiau dauguma paveldosaugos administravimo praktikų ir jas taikančių institucijų, atsiradę laikais, kai dar nebuvo kompiuterio, sunkiai prisitaiko prie skaitmeninių technologijų paskatintų pokyčių bei galimybių, orientuotų į bendruomenių dalyvavimą sprendimų priėmime. Šiame straipsnyje autoriai aptaria abipusį IT poveikį miestų paveldo išsaugojimo demokratizavimo procese. Straipsnyje daroma prielaida, kad nauji technologiniai sprendimai, kuriais gali būti didinamas bendruomenės įsitraukimas yra svarbus įrankis demokratizuojant paveldosaugos administracines praktikas. Autoriai sukūrė ir pagrindžia koncepcinį paskirstytų duomenų technologijų modelį ir jo taikymą dalyvaujamajame miestų paveldo išsaugojime. Modelis parodo, kaip technologijos gali tapti demokratizacijos katalizatoriais tais atvejais, kai reguliavimo ir administraciniai pokyčiai (savaime) yra pernelyg inertiški

    Kultūros paveldo informacijos pusiau automatinis valdymas ir tyrimai naudojant 3D technologijas

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    The identification, investigation and preservation of cultural heritage is one of the main challenges for con­temporary society. It’s closely connected with several dimensions: technology transfer, scientific investiga­tions, global-local rhetoric, cultural tourism, armed conflicts, immigration, cultural changes, investment flows, new transport infrastructures etc. Nowadays, organizations responsible for heritage investigation and management are very often forced to deal with a lack of resources, which are crucial for proper heritage identification, investigation and preservation, as well as their maintenance and protection. It is particularly problematic for countries with low GDP or an unstable political situation. The possible solution of these problems could be an information management-based methodology, connected with an automated and semi-automated he­ritage investigation and monitoring software system, which based on 3D technologies. Two cases of cultural heritage (burial mounds and old towns) and two system prototypes are presented in this article. The first prototype – The System of Automated Detection of Prehistoric Burial Mounds Margo was developed and tested by Vilnius University as a part of the project The Beginnings of Lithuanian Statehood According to the Exploration of the Dubin­giai Microregion (2011–2015); the other prototype was developed and tested by Vilnius University and Terra Modus Ltd. in frame of the project The Creation of Automated Urban Heritage Monitoring Software Prototype (2014). In this article, we present the main results of both projects. 3D scanning technology is the most accurate method of finding the heritage objects in a natural landscape and capturing the situation of an evolving cultural heritage object or complex at a given time. As a cultural heritage object or complex is evolving continuously, two 3D point clouds created at different time allow to reliably trace potential changes. The monitoring of large scale heritage complexes, such as urban heritage objects, is a resource demanding task and in such cases a semi-automatic, computer-based 3D visual analysis is appropriate. A comparison of 3D visual data, captured during different times, advances to a next level when utilizing methods of 3D photo­grammetry, which make it possible (at least partially) to create 3D point clouds from old photos, giving us opportunities to expand research by adding empirical data captured before 3D scanning equipment and also lowering the costs of conducting such research.Kultūros paveldo tyrimai ir išsaugojimas yra vienas iš pagrindinių šių dienų visuomenės iššūkių, susijusių su daugelių šiandienos socialinių, kultūrinių, technologinių aktualijų. Šiomis sąlygomis daugumai orga­nizacijų kyla išteklių, būtinų visaverčiam paveldo monitoringui ir išsaugojimui, problema. Ypač tai ryšku šalyse, kurių BVP yra mažesnis ar politinė situacija ne tokia stabili. Straipsnyje aptariamas vienas galimų šios problemos sprendimų: informacijos valdymo metodologija grįsto požiūrio ir 3D lazerinio skenavimo technologijų taikymas kultūros paveldo srityje. Straipsnyje aptariami du tirti paveldo atvejai (pilkapiai ir Vilniaus senamiestis), siejami su dviem skirtingo informacinio pobūdžio uždavinių sprendimais – pusiau automatinės paveldo objektų paieškos natūraliame kraštovaizdyje ir paveldo objektų kaitos monitorin­go metodologijos

    Technologinis veiksnys kultūros paveldo tyrimuose: 3D vaizdo ir spektroskopijos taikymo metodologinis modelis

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    The Technological Aspect in Cultural Heritage Research: the Application of a Methodological Model of 3D Technologies and Spectroscopy. Summar

    3D and AI technologies for the development of automated monitoring of urban cultural heritage

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    New technological solutions for the effective, objective and cost-sensitive monitoring of cultural heritage are needed. Accordingly, a new methodological approach based on laser scanning, 3D photogrammetry, artificial intelligence and GIS interaction is presented in this paper. The main goal is to develop a software that could detect and compare various architectural and urban elements by comparing 2D and 3D data of objects and places of the same cultural heritage from different time periods. This represents a breakthrough technological tool for governments to track the broad-scale status of heritage and act in a timely and proactive manner. The methodological approach was to inspect changes comprised of geometrical alterations in 3D data and pixel-based information changes in 2D data. The proposed solution was developed as part of a project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania entitled Automated monitoring of urban heritage implementing 3D technologies. The first results of the project are presented in this article. All pictures and tables in this paper were prepared by the authors

    The technological aspect in cultural heritage research: the application of a methodological model of 3D technologies and spectroscopy

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    3D view technologies and UV-VIs-NIR reflectance spectroscopy for cultural heritage analytical approach

    Reference architecture for AI-based urban heritage preservation risks monitoring tool

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    Urban heritage preservation (UHP) is an important venue of public administration, in which the adoption of novel IT solutions is highly desired, yet the novelty and the sophistication of the technology creates challenges to decision makers in their task of choosing and/or funding appropriate innovation projects. In this paper, we report on the development of a prototype tool for automated urban heritage preservation risk monitoring. Our aim is twofold: 1) to provide analysis on different reality capture strategies and AI-based imagery recognition in the domain of UHP, and 2) to explain the function and the interaction of different elements in the reference architecture for AI-based urban heritage preservation risk monitoring tool. Our research contributes to the rhetoric of digitization of government services. Specifically, the project reported findings are expected to reduce technology innovation-related uncertainties and facilitate government decision making in projects with comparable aims